FSC Restorative Peer Mediators

The inaugural training for Restorative Peer Mediators (RPMs) was held at Hueston Woods State Park in Oxford, OH on Monday, November 22 through Tuesday, November 23. Twenty-two students in grades 6-12 participated in learning how to mediate conflicts in a restorative manner. The training was led by eight staff members and  consisted of several topics including: Definition of RPM, Identifying Conflicts in our School, Active Listening/Paraphrasing, Sympathy vs Empathy, and Understanding People’s Needs When They are Hurt. During the two-day training/retreat, students also participated in a community hike, swimming, a campfire with smores, and a night hike. The students shared their growth experiences and learning outcomes in a closing circle. Their experiences were thoughtful, heart-felt, and sincere. There will be a follow-up meeting on Monday, December 6, 2021 in the RP Room (Room #202). We will discuss a duty roster and shadowing opportunities for our new RPMs. We are also offering a Restorative Practices class next semester. If your student is interested please email Ms. Dietz at tdietz@finneytown.org.

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