Updating our Logo

Our district has received a lot of feedback regarding the updating of our Wildcat logo.  In response, we have adjusted our plan to allow for submissions from our students, staff, and community.  There are guidelines to the submission and the deadline is November 19, 2021.  Details regarding submissions can be found by going to this link.  

Vaccines and Boosters

Finneytown Local School District will be hosting a vaccine booster clinic for staff in partnership with Springfield Township Fire Department on Friday, November 19, 2021.  Students will not have school this day.

Hamilton County Public Health will host a vaccine clinic for our students ages 5-11.  The first vaccine clinic will be onsite at the Brent Elementary gym on Saturday, November 20, 2021 and the second vaccine clinic will be onsite at the Brent Elementary gym on Saturday, December 11, 2021.  More information will be coming out in the near future.  

If you have questions or concerns related to COVID-19, please contact Nurse Welling at katewelling@finneytown.org.  You can also text or call our COVID-19 hotline at 513-497-3302.

Final Forms

Finneytown School District is exclusively using Final Forms for all student and parent documentation, including Emergency Medical Forms, SSO Household Information Survey,  updated Contact Information, and many other forms.  All families are required to completely fill out these forms.  Here is the link to the platform for form completion:  http://finneytown-oh.finalforms.com/

If you have not already completed your child(ren)’s forms in Final Forms and have not received an email from Final Forms, please contact your child(ren)’s building secretary. 

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