Community Update 1.28.22

COVID Update

The Ohio Department of Health (ODH) released new contact tracing and case investigation guidance for K-12 schools today. ODH is recommending local health departments (LHDs) shift from universal contact tracing, case investigation, and exposure notification to a cluster or outbreak-based model. This shift has the following implications for schools: 

  • Schools may discontinue universal contact tracing but are expected to assist LHDs with contact tracing, case investigation, and exposure notification related to outbreaks or clusters in schools as determined by the LHD.
  • K-12 schools should continue to follow ODH’s protocol, “Mask to Stay, Test to Play,” and allow asymptomatic students to attend school while wearing a mask if they have been exposed to someone with COVID-19. The best place for kids is in school, in-person, full-time.
  • ODH also will change the school case reporting cadence to weekly. Schools should report positive student and staff cases to their LHDs by close of business on Fridays. LHDs will continue to report on the same weekly cadence. This schedule will begin on Friday, Feb. 4. ODH will continue to evaluate related school reporting requirements.

To view the complete guidance, please visit:

Finneytown Local School District continues to follow the health department guidelines.  These guidelines have shifted and we expect additional guidance to be released next week.   Our priority is ensuring that anyone who is not feeling well remains home and follows appropriate guidelines from the health department or his/her/their physician.  For vaccine and testing options, please go to  For free test kits, please go to

As we continue to monitor the situation, we will provide updates on shifts in guidance.  The situation is dynamic and can change at any point based on the information and/or guidance we receive.  Please make sure your family is prepared to switch to asynchronous/remote learning if needed.  Asynchronous learning will include a set of activities, tasks, reading, or projects for students to do independently.  

We are incredibly appreciative of the patience and support from our students, staff, families, and community.

COVID Headquarters

We have created a COVID Headquarters on our website.  Please click on the link above to review updated information from the district about COVID-19.  

Please contact Nurse Welling at  You can also text or call our COVID-19 hotline at 513-497-3302.

Proposed Calendar for 2022-2023 School Year

The calendar linked above was recommended to the BOE at the January 18, 2022, Board of Education Meeting.  This calendar is unique due to the opening of Finneytown Elementary in the Fall of 2022.  While the construction is anticipated to be completed in May, we have been encouraged by our design and construction team to delay the start of school to allow time for potential shipping delays, particularly in regards to furniture.  Therefore, students will not begin school until after the Labor Day holiday.  The BOE will vote on this recommendation at the February Board of Education meeting.  

2021-2022 Scholastics Regional Recognition

The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards were founded in 1923 and, for nearly a century, have inspired bold ideas in creative teens throughout the country. Students’ entries are blindly adjudicated by some of the foremost leaders in the visual and literary arts. National Medalists are eligible for scholarships up to $10,000.   Scholastics award winners are celebrated everywhere from community venues to the stage at Carnegie Hall. 

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