Community Update 1.12.2022

COVID Update

We continue to monitor the impact COVID and other related illnesses are having on our learning community.  Yesterday, we reached out to Hamilton County Public Health requesting guidance.  They advised, “when there is a significant spread of an infectious disease in an environment such as a school, short closures can help to slow the spread of disease and create a fresh start.”  We have not met the threshold of significant spread with nearly 85% of our students in attendance daily.  

The other challenge is sub coverage for staff.  We greatly appreciate all of our staff members who are providing coverage for their colleagues during this time.  

We are hopeful that the 4 day weekend for students will mitigate any spread.  We will also work with our custodial services to do a deep clean.  

The situation is dynamic and can change at any point based on the information and/or guidance we receive.  Please make sure your family is prepared to switch to asynchronous/remote learning if needed.  Asynchronous learning will include a set of activities, tasks, reading, or projects for students to do independently.  

The incidence of COVID-19 has increased significantly in Hamilton County.  Our district team continues to work with Hamilton County Public health to determine the best course of action.  We continue to encourage all parents to monitor their child(ren) for symptoms.  If your child exhibits any symptoms consistent with COVID-19, please keep them home.  

Guidelines on determining when a student is sent home

Our health clinic staff developed the following guidelines to determine whether a child remains at school or is sent home.   

  • Fever of 100.4 or higher (student should not return until fever-free with no medication for 24 hours)
  • Vomiting and diarrhea
  • Exhibits signs as identified in the table below (1 in Category 1; 2 in Category 2)

In addition, our health clinic staff will consider medical history.  Various medical conditions, such as asthma and allergies, can present with symptoms consistent with COVID-19.  The health clinic staff will determine whether or not the student should go home based on all the information available.  

Students sent home due to symptoms consistent with COVID-19, as determined in our health clinics, will comply with one of the following to return to in-person learning.

  • Alternative diagnosis from a physician; OR
  • Negative PCR Test; OR
  • 5 days from onset of symptoms and child feels well and fever free for 24 hours

Since a negative PCR Test is required, our health clinics will no longer be distributing rapid tests to students and families.  

COVID Headquarters

We have created a COVID Headquarters on our website.  Please click on the link above to review updated information from the district about COVID-19.  

COVID Google Form

Families, if your child(ren) test positive or are quarantined we request that you complete this google form.  The form will be monitored by our health clinic staff and increase the speed at which we are able to contract trace.  

Please contact Nurse Welling at  You can also text or call our COVID-19 hotline at 513-497-3302.

2021-22 Finneytown PTA Reflections Winners

Thank you to our students that participated in this year’s PTA Reflections program in Finneytown! 

Click on the link to see more about the winners.

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