Beyond Differences Finneytown Committee

NEPALI translation

Spanish translation

A School Board Committee created for the purpose of facilitating dialogue and conversation within our diverse communities to better understand our needs and opportunities around diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Responsibilities include:

· Holding regular meetings on a schedule determined at the beginning of each school year (no less than once a quarter skipping summers) inviting in the community on topics specified by the board

· Discovering topics of interest that the community would like to present to the board. If needed, the board can supply topics of interest.

· Pull together the community for topics that arise due to national or local events

· Preparing minutes of the meetings to be part of the school board records

At the appointed co-leaders request, the board may hire a facilitator to work alongside them for the meetings or assist with preparing topics of interest.

Please complete the linked application and return to Lindsay Lee or Tony Gast.

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