Our students, staff, & community to
THINK critically, GROW intellectually, and LIVE with integrity

Latest News


Baseball Fundraiser – Monte Carlo Night!

Saturday, March 1st, 2025: 6:30PM – I I:00 PM Registrations start at 6:30; Tournaments start at 7:00PM Location: Central Turners of Cincinnati, 2200 Pinney Lane,

FLSD Board of Ed

Celebrating Our Superheroes

Celebrating Our Superheroes Each January, school districts across Ohio celebrate their boards of education as part of School Board Recognition Month. At Finneytown, we are


FAA Baseball Signups are open!

Baseball signups are now open for kids ages 3-15. Please use the QR codes to access the signup process through TeamSnap.

Upcoming Events


Finneytown Elementary

Grades K-6
8850 Winton Road, Cincinnati, OH 45231
513.728.3737 - phone

Finneytown Secondary Campus

Grades 7-12
8916 Fontainebleau Terrace, Cincinnati, OH 45231 513.931.0712 – phone 513.728.7230 – fax

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FLSD Podcast

The podcast that takes you inside the Finneytown Local School District community.
